Ich heiße Beata Grabon und freue mich Euch auf meiner Homepage begrüßen zu dürfen.
Die Seite ist im großen und ganzem den wunderschönen Perser Himalayan Katzen, genannt auch Colourpoint gewidmet. Wir wünschen viel Freude beim Ansehen unserer Seiten und hoffen das Sie uns bald wieder besuchen.
Beata Grabon
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New photos of kittens !!! |
04 |
New photos of kittens !!! |
02 |
REGIONAL AWARDS !!! Again REGIONAL AWARDS in my cattery!!! And first Benoma baby with this title... Im so proud !!!! |
05 |
New photos & video of Benoma Rachell !!! It has been with us a beautiful girl with a beautiful eye. |
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New photos of Benoma Scandal Eyes !!! |
07 |
New photos of kittens !!! |
06 |
New photos of kittens !!! |
04 |
New photos of kittens !!! |
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We have new kittens !!! We have new kittens: GC sandypaws Kokomo of Benoma x Vistoria Scandal Look of Benoma |
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We have new kittens !!! We have new kittens: GC sandypaws Kokomo of Benoma x Vistoria Scandal Look of Benoma and CH Sandypaws Eyesadorable x CH Sandypaws Big Bang Theory of Benoma pictures of kittens coming soon... |
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Professional photos of our girls from well-known photographer Chanan. |
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My girls with amazing eyes color. |
28-29 |
CFA SHOW in Niedernhausen Benoma Precious Blue Genes of Royaldiamond ONE SHOW - 541 Grandpoints !!! Vicky Abelson - 2nd Best LH CH Olga Korotonozhkina - 3rd Best LH CH, 3rd Best CH ALLBREED Chuck Gradowski - 3rd Best LH CH, 3rd Best CH ALLBREED Darrell Newkirk - 2nd Best LH CH, 3rd Best CH ALLBREED Diana Rothermel - 2nd Best LH CH, 3rd Best CH ALLBREED George Cherrie - BEST LH CH, BEST CH ALLBREED!!! Arie Groenewegen - BEST LH CH, BEST CH ALLBREED!!! We also have a new CFA CH. Benoma Paris Lady !!! CH Sandypaws Eyesadorable of Benoma 4x 1st Place 4x 2nd Best Color |
24-25 |
CFA SHOW in Kijow Benoma Precious Blue Genes of Royaldiamond show results: 2x 1st Best Kitten 2nd Best Kitten 3rd Best Kitten ALLBREED BEST KITTEN ALLBREED of the show in TOTAL WCF CH,CFA GRC Sandypaws Kokomo of Benoma show results: 3rd BEST CAT ALLBREED of the show in TOTAL!!! Kokomo is the 10th BEST CAT of TOP 100 BEST CATS in TOTAL RATING of the OPEN UKRAINIAN CHAMPIONSHIP (after one show only!!!) GREAT RESULT!!! |
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WCF SHOW CFA (WCF)CH.GC. Sandypaws Kokomo of Benoma show results: 2x Nom Bis 2 Place in WCF Ring |
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CFA SHOW CFA (WCF)CH.GC. Sandypaws Kokomo of Benoma show results: 2nd Best Seal Lynx point Persian Himalayan for the 2013-2014 Show season |
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We have kittens !!! We have kittens with navy violet eyes after parents: (CFA)CH Sandypaws BigBang Theory of Benoma and (CFA)CH Sandypaws Eyesadorable of Benoma ![]()
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New female!!!
Came to us from behind ocean pretty girl with rare navy blue eyes. |
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New Girl!!!
January 03, came to us pretty flame point girl with beautiful deep blue eyes. ![]() |
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Big show succes from Benoma Kittens: Benoma La Chatte of Royal Diamond Show in Kiev: 2x First Place 2x Best of Color 2x Best of Breed Division 2x Best Cat Allbreed 7th Best Cat Allbreed Benoma Magical Lover of Velvet Point CFA Show in Kuwait: First Place Best of Breed Division Best of Color Class 2nd Best Kitten Allbreed 2nd Best Kitten in Ring 1 2nd Best Kitten in Ring 2 5th Best Kitten in Ring 3 4th Best Kitten in Ring 4 8th Best Kitten in Ring 5 5th Best Kitten in Ring 6 Thank you so much for the beautiful representations Benoma kittens. |
04 |
CFA SHOW in Niederhausen GRC.Sandypaws Kokomo of Benoma show results: 8x First Place 8x Best of Color 5x Best of Best Breed/Division 3x 2nd Best of Best Breed/ Division AB Final Ring - 15th Best Cat |
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New photos of "M" litter. |
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New boy !!! I am very proud to present my new male: (cfa)CH.Sandypaws Big Bang Theory of Benoma Amazing boy with incredible very big and dark navy blue eyes! Carolyn, thank you for your trust and this unique treasure! |
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We have a new litter"M" |
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WCF SHOW in Kiev (12/13.10.2013) Another success of your child !!! Benoma La Chatte NOM. BIS (2 days)!!! BEST JUNIOR (2 days)!!! WCF RING - 1 PLACE!!! THE WINNER IN THE NOMINATION "PERSONAL SYMPATHY OF THE CLUB" Special thanks to Victoria. |
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WCF Show in Kiev The great success of our baby !!! Benoma La Chatte WCF show - BEST KITTEN !!! WCF RING - 2 PLACE !!! Special Prize - "A LITTLE PRINCESS" !!! |
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New photos of kittens |
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New photos of kittens |
03 |
New photos of kittens |
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We have kittens !!! |
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New photos of kittens |
03 |
Cfa Show in Kuvait
02.02.2013 Great success for our children !!! Benoma I´Amore One show GRANDCHAMPION CFA!!! |
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Show Cats in Czech Republic Litomerice
15.12.2012 Sandypaws Kokomo - a great success !!! NOM BIS, BEST IN SHOW, BEST OF BEST I !!! |
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CFA Show in Niedernhausen 24-25.11.2012 Another success of our boy Ch.Sandypaws Kokomo of Benoma the CFA Show! TWO SHOWS CFA - GRANDCHAMPION !!! 8x First Place 8x Best of Color 8x Best Champion 8x Best of Breed 1 Best longhair Champion (allbreed) 2 nd Best Longhair Champion (allbreed) 2 nd Best CHampion (allbreed) 3 rd Best Champion (allbreed) |
02 |
We have a new beautiful kittens !!! Please visit kittens, where we present our newest litter. |
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CFA Show in Ilsenburg 22.09.2012 Great success at the Benoma Kittens in CFA Show!!! Benoma I´Amore 6x 1 st Blue Ribbon 6x Best of Color Class 1x Best of Breed Division 3Rd Best Kitten all category Benoma Heaven`s Angel 6x 1 st Blue Ribon 6x Best of Color Class 4x Best of Breed Division 6 st Best Kitten all category 10 st Best Kitten all category 5 th Best Kitten All category 3x 2nd Best Of Breed Division |
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We have new kittens!!! Please visit the website kittens. |
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We have new kittens with super CFA lines:!!! Please visit the kittens,where we present our youngest litter. ![]() |
28-29 |
28-29 |
CFA Show in Switzeland (Langenthal) Our new CHAMPION CFA!!! Sandypaws Darling Kisses of Benoma 12 x 1st PLACE BLUE RIBBONS 12x BEST OF COLOR CLASS 1x 2nd BEST OF BREED DIVISION 1x BEST CHAMPION OF BREED |
12 |
Show in Offenburg Sandypaws Kokomo of Benoma Saturday 10 march :Nom Bis Sunday 11 march :Nom Bis Sandypaws Darling Kisses of Benoma Saturday 10 march :Nom Bis Sunday 11 march :Nom Bis |
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New cat!!! From overseas, came to us a new girl tortie lynx point Sandypaws Darling Kisses of Benoma, our long awaited dream, thank you dear Carolyn. |
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Show in Czech Republic - Prague Kokomo Sandypaws*USA Saturday 18 February :Nom Bis Sunday 19 February :Nom Bis |
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Show in Fellbach La Belle Vie Grovewood*USA Sobota :Nom Bis - BEST IN SHOW Kokomo Sandypaws*USA Sunday :Nom Bis Saturday :Nom Bis |
11 |
Bocholt Cat Show Kokomo Sandypaws*USA - BEST IN SHOW KITTEN 6-10 !!! |
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NEW ARRIVAL!!! Our new male came to us streight from US - Sandypaws Kokomo of Benoma, seal lynx point! We are so proud to have him with us! |
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Weiden Cat Show Betina - Nom Bis and IC title! |
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New "G" litter photos More on kittens page |
27-28 |
Opole cat show Beautiful result Betina saturday - Nom Bis,BEST OPPOSITE SEX sunday - Nom Bis,BEST OPPOSITE SEX, CHAMPION |
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We have kittens! 3 girls and 1 boy out of Amaretto Benoma*DE and La Belle Vie Grovewood*USA |
21 |
Wir haben neue kitten!!! Wir haben zwei Mädchen von Campi and Maga! |
21 |
Wien cat show LA BELLE VIE Grovewood*USA - NOM BIS - INTERCHAMPION |
13-14 |
München cat show LA BELLE VIE Grovewood*USA saturday - BEST IN SHOW, BEST OF BEST 2 sunday - BEST IN SHOW, BEST OF BEST 3 |
23 |
We have new litter Colourpoint girl was born - Ellie Mae Benoma*DE - after IC CAMPARI Vistoria*PL and Bettina Girl Benua*UA, JW. Feel free to contact us and ask about them. |
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Casiopeia Queen - 7 months New pics |
18 |
New "D" litter photos More on kittens page |
10-11 |
Gera Cat Show Betina Girl Benua*UA Saturday: Nom Bis - Best opp Sex Sunday: Nom Bis - BEST IN SHOW - BOB 4 Campari Vistoria Pers*Pl Saturday: Nom Bis - BEST IN SHOW - BOB 3 Sunday: Nom Bis - Best Opp Sex Campari became DSM - Distinguished Show Merit !!! |
Another Benoma*DE baby started the show bench with great show result! Casiopeia Quenn Benoma*De: Saturday: Best Kitten at Special Show Kitten 3-6 Sunday: Nom Bis - BEST IN SHOW Kitten 3-6 |
Click below to see movies from this show (from YANOI MCO cattery)
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New "D" litter photos More on kittens page |
19 |
We have kittens!!! New colourpoint babies were borna after IC CAMPARI Vistoria Pers*PL and CH MAGA Von Spindeleben*A. Feel free to contact us and ask about them. |
15-16 |
Cat Show Most - Czech Rpb. Saturday: BETTINA GIRL Benua*UA - Nom Bis - BEST IN SHOW 6-10 Sunday: BETTINA GIRL Benua*UA - Nom Bis - BEST IN SHOW 6-10 With this results Bettina achieved the JUNIOR WINNER title! This is the first JW in our cattery! |
10 |
New "C" litter photos |
1-2 |
Wystawa Vilsbiburg Saturday: IC CAMPARI Vistoria Pers*PL - Nom Bis - BEST OPPOSITE SEX BETTINA GIRL Benua*UA -Nom Bis - BEST IN SHOW 6-10 Sunday: IC CAMPARI Vistoria Pers*PL - Nom Bis - BEST OPPOSITE SEX BETTINA GIRL Benua*UA - Nom Bis - BEST IN SHOW 6-10 |
10-11 |
Bindlach Cat Show Saturday: IC CAMPARI Vistoria Pers*PL - Nom Bis - BEST IN SHOW BETTINA GIRL Benua*UA - Nom Bis Sunday: IC CAMPARI Vistoria Pers*PL - Nom Bis - BEST IN SHOW - BOB4 BETTINA GIRL Benua*UA -Nom Bis |
04 |
Wir haben Babys!!! Wir haben Babys aus der Verpaarung von - IC CAMPARI Vistoria Pers*PL und LaBelleVie Grovewood*USA. Sollten Sie jetzt neugierig geworden sein, dann nehmen Sie Kontakt zu uns auf. |
14 |
Göppingen cat show Another great show: BETTINA GIRL Benua*UA - BEST IN SHOW KITTEN 6-10 CH CAMPARI Vistoria Pers*PL - 2x BEST IN SHOW - INTERCHAMPION |
06 |
Bettina Girl Benua*UA! |
06 |
Huge Show Success! Minden Cat Show results: LA BELLE VIE Grovewood*USA - - BEST OPP.SEX AMARETTO COOKIE Benoma*DE - BEST IN SHOW KITTEN 6-10 CH CAMPARI Vistoria Pers*PL - 2x BEST OF BEST III |
05 |
New arrival! A new girl will arrive soon from Ukraine: Bettina Girl Benua*UA |
05 |
New "B" and "A" litter photos |
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Die B Würfe fotos! |
01 |
New arrival! We are proud to introduce You our new girl from USA! Here she is - bluepoint girl - LaBelleVie Grovewood*USA |
02 |
Wir haben Babys!!!
Wir haben Babys aus der Verpaarung von - CH CAMPARI Vistoria Pers*PL und CH MAGA Von Spindeleben*A. Sollten Sie jetzt neugierig geworden sein, dann nehmen Sie Kontakt zu uns auf. |
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Internationale Katzenausstellung - Köln AMARETTO COOKIE Benoma*DE - Best in Show Kitten 3-6 !!! |
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New photos of "A" litter - age 2 months old. |
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Die A Würfe fotos! |
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Internationale Katzenausstellung - Marburg Campari - 2x NOM BIS & BIS COLOURPOINT MALE - Point Parade !!! |
13 |
Wir haben Babys!!! Wir haben Babys aus der Verpaarung von - CH CAMPARI Vistoria Pers*PL und CH MAGA Von Spindeleben*A. Sollten Sie jetzt neugierig geworden sein, dann nehmen Sie Kontakt zu uns auf. |
Colourpoint Persian Cattery
Beata Grabon
Würzburg, Deutchland
+49 (0)172 / 360 69 05
Webdesign © SEPIS Project || Updated: || 2008 - © Benoma*DE || Counter: